the selected category. left list, the remaining amount to be split will automatically be put in visible button). If you press COMMAND S with an entry selected in the A speedy shortcut is the COMMAND S keyboard command (which has no arrows, you will change the selection in the right list. left scrolling list. If you hold down the SHIFT key while using the In this dialog, the up and down arrow keys change the selection in the click in the right EDIT button. want to edit one of these category values, select it in the list and USE button. The new entry will then appear in the right list. If you type in the left list, enter the amount in the text box and click on the When you want to split up the value of your check, simply select the button. For security reasons, you may not delete a category. edit an existing category, simply select it and click on the EDIT whether or not this is a type to be listed in the Tax Summary report. To now enter in a title and monthly budget amount, and tell CheckWriter To create a new category, simply click on the NEW button. You may categories for this particular check. left list will contain categories and the right list will contain the SPLIT button in the Main Dialog. You will see two scrolling lists. The To use the budgeting feature when writing a check, click on the records. may be used to analyze where your money is going, or to maintain tax into other amounts. Each budgeting category (you may have up to 255) CheckWriter II allows you much flexibility in splitting up a check